2013年8月27日 星期二

e-Learning Sharing at SKH Kei Oi Primary School 電子學習的分享會@基愛小學



  1. 計劃的成果總結
  2. 一些常用的教育Apps
  3. 其他學校在參與計劃中的片段
  4. 前面的路





第三步,我們會要求老師做Curriculum Mapping,在IT課先教授一些iPad軟件的操作,尤其是在數學課上會用的軟件,如 Edmodo, Lino, Explain Everything 等。



第六步,我們會和學校的項目團隊一起總結計劃的成果,也把項目中所創造的工作產品(Work Product)打包起來,包括教學計劃文件,工作紙,系統設定檔案等。這可以幫助其他科目的老師更容易開展電子學習的工作。






在潮商學校,他們在數學課用得比較多的是Lino,也有用Edmodo, "Exploriments: Fluids", Voxel, Augment (Augmented Reality), Nearpod, Explain Everything, iMovie, 等。Voxel, "Exploriments: Fluids" 和 AR 的軟件是比較特別的工具,教學的效果就以Voxel 比較好。英文科的林老師在計劃後段主動要求在自己的課堂上試用電子教學,老師學的很快,她主要是用Edmodo及Lino,讓學生學習英語罪案相關的字,如上面關於Arson的片段,就是一個學生的作品。

在深水埗街坊福利會小學,他們選擇在小五的一班裏面做兩次的電子學習課。他們在數學課用得比較多的是Edmodo,也有用Lino, Voxel, Explain Everything, iMovie, 等。吳老師特別推薦Voxel ,她在這個軟件的使用上也比較熟練,看出她花了不少功夫。


這個不好講,因爲比較複雜,也只是管理層關心的比較多。所有,我們只是簡單一些教育的趨勢,如Game in Education, Augmented Reality, Learning Analytics, 等。也介紹一下我們的互聯網素養的平台。電子學習路線圖方面,就只給一個很快的概念。



2013年8月15日 星期四

4 Reasons Why Embracing e-Learning

1. Real-time 7x24 Multiple Feedback Loop
Apart from digitizing traditional teacher-to-student (T2S) and student-to-teacher (S2T) communication, learning management system enables real-time student-to-student (S2S) communication using multi-media and other creative ways. After lesson, all feedback loops can continue in both synchronous and asynchronous ways.

Learning from peer is something effective but teachers are hard to drive in the past. Today, social network among students get much stronger and make each student a "peer teacher". In the future, our children will become our "teachers" if not "professors".

In a learning management system (LMS), students and teachers can comment each other's work. Comment could be as simple as giving Facebook "Like".  

2. Self-directed Learning
The traditional approach of teaching is through curriculum setting. This is for mass scale production. More personalized education will become more popular. By catering learning differences in terms of capabilities and objectives, students can direct their own effort effectively to different activities in the learning process. Tracking system and assessment system (so-called "Learning Analytics") will guide them through the process and allow students to move more effectively towards their learning goals. Longitudinal assessment will become feasible for each person through-out their lives.

In a learning management system (LMS), students and teachers can have cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis on students' performance. This enable teachers to adjust their teaching strategy and perform remedial actions for students lacking behind.  

3. Seamless Learning
In every minute of students' lives when they are awake, learning could happen. Apart from formal lessons, students can watch a Shakespeare's play (e.g. Romeo and Juliet) and immediately want to wiki Shakespeare's other plays. By creating a survey, students can collect opinion on Shakespeare from their friends world-wide through social media network (e.g. facebook and twitter) or conduct face-to-face interviews outside an opera house. Students can let their curiosities flow through their learning process and guide them to explore a new knowledge domain.

4. Early Adaptation to New Economy
The Internet world has abundant resources which not only give us knowledge but improvements on our quality of life. Creativity unleashes from billion of users through trillion of hours we spent here. More and more value creation happens on the Internet and it becomes a new form of economy without country barrier. Teachers could give an edge to students by integrating classroom learning effectively with the new world around their students. The earlier students get in touch with the emerging new world, the stronger they can be in the future. (Ref: The Internet and the New Economy, Alan S. Blinder, January 2000, http://brie.berkeley.edu/sc/cp221/blinder%20on%20productivity.pdf )

2013年8月7日 星期三

電子學習試驗項目 - 成功案例分享 - 香港潮商學校







  1. 有機上網為潮商學校實施iPad的電子學習試驗項目,提供iPad租用,老師培訓,共同備課,社交媒體推廣等服務,一方面給教師親身的電子教學經驗,另一方面讓學校及早發現實施電子學習上會遇到的重大問題。
  2. 有機上網與老師共同譔寫基礎設施升級建議書給學校董事會審批。
  3. 有機上網與老師共同建立電子學習實施的3年路線圖,涵蓋學生,教師,家長,出版商,學校管理等方面。


  1. 在學校架設了一個有30iPad及無線網絡的臨時電子學習環境。有機上網的顧問進行了5個培訓和共同備課會議,共同譔寫了5份小五數學科的教案。
  2. 4週的臨時電子學習環境下,教師進行了22節數學課與資訊課,並在原定計劃外,進行了7節英語課。
  3. YouTube張貼了共5條影片,有超過160個瀏覽。在Facebook發布了10個訊息,從學生,家長,教師,校友,和公眾收到超過140讚好
  4. 校董會同意撥款作電子學習的設施升級及購置平板電腦作電子學習工具。
  5. 譔寫了電子學習計劃實施的3年路線圖。

Reference Case of Chiu Sheung School - Fast-Tracking e-Learning Enablement Project

Fast-Tracking e-Learning Enablement Project
Project Summary for Chiu Sheung School, Hong Kong

Background of Chiu Sheung School, Hong Kong
Chiu Sheung School (CSS) is an aided primary school located in Pok Fu Lam. CSS has 12 classes in 6 class levels, with a total of 300 students. It is a Non-native student designated school since 2007, with a majority of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students. Home countries of the students and their parents include India, Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal, etc.

Quick Start from Ground Zero and End with Great Achievements within 2 Months
To have a quick start, CSS engaged WebOrganic for a 8-week pilot project. After the project, teachers become confident in new ways of teaching. TA / TSS are trained to support mobile learning devices and Social Network communication. School identifies the detail requirements for infrastructure upgrade. School’s e-Learning roadmap is drafted. The key outputs are:

1.          With 30 iPad and 1 Cisco AP, a stable e-Learning environment was created at CSS for 4 weeks.
2.          30 Maths and English lessons were conducted using iPad, within a 4-week try-out period. Involved 3 teachers and 2 class levels.
3.          Seamlessly integrate lesson plans with 10 iPad apps through 4 co-plan and training sessions.
4.          Received 160+ YouTube pageviews and 140+ Facebook “Like” from students, parents, teachers, alumni, and general public. (as of 7th May 2012)
5.          School board approved funding proposal for e-Learning infrastructure upgrade and acquisition of e-Learning devices. A 3-year e-Learning roadmap is created.

For more information, please visit CSS’s website, Facebook, and YouTube sites as below:



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