2014年3月15日 星期六

Safer Internet Day 2014

On 15th March, 2014, WebOrganic, Internet Technology Resource Centre and NetMission.Asia held a “Supporting Safer Internet Day 2014 Activities- NetMission Ambassadors 2013-14 Appointment Ceremony cum Digital Inclusion Day” to promote safer and more responsible use of Internet, especially amongst students and young people.


WebOrganic is the secretariat of Hong Kong Safer Internet Day. In the event, Mr. Tony Lee, General Manager of WebOrganic, introduced the background and vision of Safer Internet Day, and we will continue to promote safer and more responsible use of Internet. WebOrganic invited Dr. Chung Wai Hung, Consultant of Department of Health Student Health Service, and Dr. Chung expressed that he cares about student’s health and he found students are spending more time on internet nowadays.

One of the highlights of the event was Safe Internet Pledging Ceremony. Over 80 primary students were involved, and the ceremony was led by Tony and Dr. Chung. At the end, closing speech was given by Mr. Billy Tang, General Manager of Information Technology Resource Centre, and he expressed gratitude to all participants and supporting organizations. 

In the event, there were various shows and interesting game booths. WebOrganic also organized an outdoor e-Learning activity using an iPad apps called “Eagle Eye”, which is a “Digital Tour” platform developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Secondary school and primary school students acted as volunteers and helped as the tour guides in such activity. The student volunteers were from Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College, Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School, Hong Kong PLK Horizon East Primary School, and Chiu Sheung School. In the digital tour, participants completed tasks using the hottest technologies like augmented reality and 3D scanning, and experienced a new way to learn.

C.C.C Heep Woh Primary School, Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School, Hong Kong PLK Horizon East Primary School, and Chiu Sheung School sent students to participate in the event. In addition, the event was supported by HearTYDistrict Cyber CentresBuddhist Mau Fung Memorial College, Tsing Yi Community AssociationHong Kong Chido Association, Kwai Tsing Residents AssociationHong Kong Playground Association Jockey Club Tsing Yi Integrated Service Centre for Children & Youth.

「國際互聯網安全日」 2014響應活動

「有機上網」、社會服務聯會「資訊科技資源中心」、及「网域使命青年使者計劃」2014315日 在青衣公園合「國際互聯網安全日」 2014響應活動 - 网域使命青年使者計劃委任典禮 暨 數碼公益日以推動學生安全健康及負責任地使用互聯網的文化。




活動當日有多個表演節目及攤位遊戲。其中,「有機上網」的數碼遊蹤活動採用了由香港中文大學開發的應用程式Eagle Eye進行,並由來自佛教茂峰法師紀念中學,仁濟醫院趙曾學韞小學,保良局志豪小學,及香港潮商學校的學生義工及IT大使,帶領參加者用iPad作戶外電子學習活動,以擴增實境(Augmented Reality)3D掃描及其他有趣的科技,體會新的學習方式

參與活動的學校包括: 中華基督教會協和小學,仁濟醫院趙曾學韞小學,保良局志豪小學,及香港潮商學校,而支持機構包括: HearTY 凝匯青衣,地區數碼中心,佛教茂峰法師紀念中學,青衣健康社區關注組,香港智道總會,香港遊樂場協會賽馬會青衣青少年綜合服務中心,及葵青居民協會